Saturday, January 8, 2022

Orthodox Christians of Azerbaijan celebrate Christmas

On the night of January 6-7, solemn services were held in Orthodox Christian churches in honor of one of the most important church holidays - the Nativity of Christ.The atmosphere of Christmas is an atmosphere of unity, spiritual purity and joy, filling people with confidence in happiness, fullness of life, and the triumph of good changes.Festive services are held in all Orthodox churches in Azerbaijan.

In the Christmas services, calls are made to assimilate the fruits of this sacred holiday, so that a virtuous and pious life becomes an example for the people around them, a guarantee of world peace, prosperity and good-neighborly relations between peoples. Church choirs these days perform Christmas liturgical chants. The main attributes of the holiday: a Christmas wreath, it is a symbol of the light that came into the world with the birth of Christ; bells, they are needed to drive out evil spirits; Christmas candles, with the help of which the forces of darkness and cold are expelled; as well as bright Christmas cards.


Before the onset of the holiday, Orthodox Christians usually observe the 40-day Nativity Fast, during which they do not eat eggs, meat and dairy products, alcohol, while fish is allowed only sometimes. Fasting begins on November 28 and lasts until January 7. Since the last day before fasting falls on the feast day of the holy Apostle Philip, the fast itself is also called Filippovka (Pilipovka). It is necessary to sit down at the Christmas table with the appearance of the first star, which is called the Bethlehem star. The Holy Evening begins with prayer and the lighting of a Christmas candle.

We present photos from the Cathedral of the Myrrh-Bearing Women in Baku, where the Christmas service was held in honor of the holiday.

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