Tuesday, April 20, 2021

An interesting paper:Tolerance


Prof. Muhammad Nadeem
 Gujrat College, Pakistan
IMN Representative for Pakistan

Mental training of students should be done at all levels of home, school, and colleges. Not only two-plus-two should be taught, but also mental and practical training of students should be arranged to rectify the deterioration in our society. Only such minds can bring positive change in our society.


Our Pakistani society which is commonly called Islamic Pakistani society. Society is moving forward with innumerable obscenities within itself. The greatest of these abominations is “Intolerance”.

Due to this in our society, it has become our national habit to go crazy over small things and sometimes insult the person next to us for a small mistake. Evidence of which we often come across frequently on roads is that if a person's bicycle or motorbike collides with a car, the driver becomes outspoken and his tongue utters vulgar words and the passers-by stick their fingers in their ears. It is not as wrong as we try to punish someone. God willing, someone has a quarrel with other one over a small matter and the matter grows worse. This intolerant attitude has created chaos and hatred in our society.

A practical demonstration of intolerance can be seen in our political talk shows where the language used by our political leaders in front of millions of people are not hidden from anyone. That’s not all, even if the opponent does not react under “blow will answer blows” rule, he is considered cowardly.

Of course, the reasons for the lack of tolerance are also serious like unemployment, bad economic conditions. So a desperate man without a job and money fights with his family and rebukes children out of frustration. This is how we get the attitude of every other person who is entangled in the problems of life. Even a husband and wife relationship is not unaffected by this wave of intolerance among our society. Their small fight often leads to separation or divorce. Customers and shopkeepers quarrel over small matters. When someone takes over us at a higher speed, we consider it a blow to our self-respect. If a poor person becomes a little rich, his relatives will not tolerate even the slightest wealth.  If you build a bigger house than the village Chaudhry, he receives barbaric treatment. We all know that, if the child of a poor person gets higher education, he and his family get ridiculed that for their son has become proud. And if someone goes beyond them in financial wealth, he is reminded of his old days of poverty and dependence on Chaudhry Sahib. While our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH said that the stronger is the one who can control his anger during the heat of the argument.

The same is true of our tolerance in our politics, the government does not tolerate opposition and the opposition also raise protests, strikes, and riots even on small issues, which results in the standstill of business, industry, and life in the country.

The same is true of our religious parties, they do not tolerate one another but they want to establish themselves as authorities by issuing fatwas of Toheen-e-Rasalat (Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad PBUH). They make their followers think that they are all right and everyone else is wrong. The practical manifestation of intolerance can be seen in talk shows, the language used by our political leaders in front of millions of people is not hidden from anyone. It doesn't end there, if the answer is not answered under the “blow answers blows “rule, it is considered cowardice.

Now the question arises how to create tolerance within you?

The simple solution is to train students mentally at home, school, and college. Don't just teach two plus two equals four. On the contrary, mental and practical training of students should be arranged to cope with existing corruption in our society. Such minds can bring positive change in our society. Such programs should be organized in madrassas, schools, and colleges and be included in their syllabi.

From the mother's lap to the education and training of teachers, this special aspect should never be overlooked under any circumstances.


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