Sunday, September 4, 2016

New interesting research from IMN Country Representative in United Kingdom ...

Multiculturalism as a Universal Value of Humanity

Diversity is in the true nature of the humankind. It is impossible to imagine the world without this value. If we look back at the history, it clearly seems that the greatest pieces of art, culture are the products of interactions of various cultural movements. This is why, ethnic, cultural, social diversities in various societies are to be considered the greatest values of the humankind.

Promotion of multicultural values, emergence of the multifaceted concepts in this field may be seen as a contemporary cultural trend. However, multiculturalism, which is coeval with mankind, has deep roots in the cultural history of the world. There are multicultural ingredients in all peaceful ideas of the world history. Through the evolution of the cultural processes the significance of multiculturalism as an integral idea of the humanity has risen. Today’s world needs multicultural values as a collaborative and interconnected instrument for ensuring peaceful existence of the humankind and promoting stability on a global scale as never before. It is of high importance to encourage multicultural values in terms of disseminating seeds of tolerance, peace and dialogue. In order to achieve it, all major players in both in global and regional, local levels should take take part in this process. In a word, governments, NGOs, regional and international organizations need to take necessary steps in the promotion of multicultural values. This can only be achieved through close collaboration and ensuring mutual trust among aforementioned actors. Thus, it becomes clear that multicultural values have powerful influence on the behavior of states, governments and international bodies. If these players use these values as part of political ethics, this will undeniably strengthen the cooperation and trust among states and  diverse societies across the world.
The importance of multicultural values increased especially after the pace of globalization accelerated. Some political circles try to describe the globalization process as a formation of one polar world. For instance, American political scientist  Samuel Huntigton  brought to the surface the idea of “clash of civilization” as a post-Cold War new world order. Unfortunately, this kind of distorted explanation of globalization has become pervasive on a global scale. For this reason, conflictual situations are prevalent in the world. Acceptance of globalization as a one-sided enlargement of certain group of civilizational values is very dangerous for the world. In the end, it will certainly bring conflicts and hardly solved problems in local, regional and global levels. In order to prevent these negative aspects, the idea of globalization needs to be re-evaluated in the context of multicultural values. It is significant in terms of bringing a new breath to the process of globalization. In case if multiple cultural, religious views are considered in the global arena, this will only have positive repercussions.
Some countries have a rich experience in ensuring tolerance and mutual respect within diverse societies. Learning and transplanting these experiences is not too far from the reality. For instance, deeply rooted multicultural environment has become a deeply respected tradition in Azerbaijan throughout history. As a country, which is situated at the crossroads of civilizations, Azerbaijan has set up a cultural bridge between the West and the East. This sacred place has proved that people from different backgrounds could live together in a peaceful state of co-existence. The people of this space have seen the cultural, ethnic, religious variety as a source of richness. For this very reason, these kind of differences did not pave the way long-lasted conflicts and misunderstanding in the society. Despite its sensitive geopolitical location, Azerbaijan has been able to turn its multinational and multiconfessional characteristics into a model of mutual trust and understanding. In a word, Azerbaijan has formed a model of tolerance, which is truly accepted by the world community nowadays.

Azerbaijan demonstrates its loyalty to the principles of multiculturalism with the organization of numerous events related to the promotion of religious, ethnic tolerance, dialogue between civilizations. 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations , which was held in April 2016, is one the bright examples of Azerbaijan’s willingness in fostering tolerance environment in a global context. In addition, the establishment of Baku International Multiculturalism Center with the decree of the President of Azerbaijan in 2014 was an important step in preserving and promoting multicultural values. Declaration of 2016 as a Year of Multiculturalism in Azerbaijan by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is an additional catalyzer in ensuring multicultural harmony in the society. Special Action Plan was also approved for the implementation of events related to the Year of Multiculturalism. According to the presidential decree, Baku International Multiculturalism Center is the major coordinating body in arrangement and executiion of the Action Plan. These kind of actions demonstrate that multiculturalism is supported and promoted at the state level in Azerbaijan. Being part of the state policy, multicultural values permeate to all layers of society in Azerbaijan.
Multiculturalism is not only  a close relationship between different cultures, beliefs and idendities. It is also a well-founded bridge between the past and modernity. Harmonious relationship between these two elements means a lot for the humanity. It mainly means looking forward for the better future while not forgeting the past and traditions, which were inherited from our ancestors. For the sake of humanity we need to preserve and pass multicultural values to the future generations. In this way, it will be possible to prevent cultural isolation and foster interreligious dialogue and tolerance. By other words, religious, ethnic, cultural varieties will be source of pride rather than divisive tool in the world. “Symbol to Multiculturalism” by Francesco Perilli erected in Toronto is the first monument devoted to multicultural values. This symbol means developing peaceful collaboration, mutual respect and promoting interreligious dialogue across the world. However, it does not mean that these values carry only symbolic mean. It is time to turn this symbolism into a reality for peaceful co-existence of various ethnic, cultural, religious groups.

by Savalan Suleymanli
IMN Country Representative in United Kingdom

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